Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy birthday Pat!!!


Janet Scronce said...

My Daddy passed away in December of last year. And though his ashes are with my Mama back in NC, yesterday I took a ride to the Pomfret Cemetery to find quiet and solace amongst others who are so deeply missed. I touched grave markers and memorials and talked to the trees and that's how I discovered your son's grave stone. I was touched by his age and committed his name to memory. I hurt for you and your family. I always say that, yes, lots of times I feel terrible and grief-stricken and downright nasty inside, but it's just the trade-off for having been touched by such beauty and generosity.

Pat's mom said...

Dear Jan,

You are kind to help others when you are in the same pain. You reached out instead of shutting down. I know how hard that is.