Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Pat!!!


grim said...

I recently moved to Germany, when a friend of mine showed me a certain song you are probably familiar with, about Patrick. "MC Lars" (I don't know his actual name) put up a video with a bit more back story about the situation.. I just wanted to extend my condolences for what it's worth. And it's somehow gives me a bit of ease, to see that he is still loved and remembered to this day. I know nothing about his or your life, but regardless, I just wanted to express this.

Pat's mom said...

Dear Grim,

I just read your comment about Pat, who was my son, and wanted to say thank you for taking the time to express your thoughts. It helps that people try to understand his tragedy. It helps those of us he left behind.

Thank you,

Pat's mom

Anonymous said...

My husband recently showed me MC Lars' song about your son Pat. It is a beautiful song yet so sad. Patrick seemed like a charming and amazing young man. (: I had a friend commit suicide this year and it was hard. I couldn't even imagine loosing a child, even though I have none, to something as terrible as suicide. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. God Bless you and take care (:

Pat's mom said...

Thank you, Ashley. I am so sorry you, too, were leveled by suicide. I recommend the American Federation for Suicide Prevention and Out of the Darkness for the best information I've found. My only hope is that as more become affected by suicide, there might be increased understanding and, more importantly, research. Thank you again, and my thoughts are with you on the sad path you must now endure.