Thursday, December 08, 2011

Although Pomfret School has been in the forefront of gay issues for some time, I just recently discovered an insightful article about their gay-friendly campus.  In 2009 the school paper, called The Pontefract after the school's namesake in England, questioned whether Pomfret was fully tolerant.  Here are the students' responses.   

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Pomfret School Remembers Pat

Pomfret School was kind enough to run a story of the scholarship established in his memory. The following appeared in the fall 2011 Pomfret School Bulletin.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Media Coverage of Pat

Two local newspapers explained more about Caed Jones, this year's winner of Pat's scholarship to Pomfret School.

The Norwich Bulletin July 31, 2011

The Putnam Town Crier August 11, 2011

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

A Student Who Cared

Two more articles recognize the student who wrote them, as well as Pat. Sara Markes was a shy, bubbling eighth-grader when she entered Rectory School several years ago. Contradictory as that may sound, it described her ability to be soft spoken but bursting with curiosity and indignation at the same time. She felt a kinship with Pat. She cared deeply about everything. She would rush into newspaper class, talking faster than I could understand about injustice. The result was two gutsy articles about tolerance for gays. She was the first to write what everyone knew in their hearts but rarely admitted. She was a fighter for goodness, including Patrick.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Effect of Pat in School

Pat's death has affected people who didn't know him. I see it in my school. Kids know that he died and seek me out. They have a feeling that I connect on a different level because of him, and they're right. Whether it's bad test day, bad friend day, or just plain things are wrong day, they know I'm a listener. Because of Pat. Sometimes we take it to the next step and write about it for the school paper, and because these articles are so closely tied to Pat, I continue to post a few in hopes that others who mourn can see how his death is changing. It's rippling through those who knew him and those who didn't. It's hurting and yet it's strengthening. It's a whiplash between good and grief. The articles that come out of the bad days are some of the good. Kids are thinking. They're serious. They want tolerance, and they want it for everybody. They inspire me to want it, too, whether it's for eleven-year-olds in Springfield who commit suicide or for anyone feeling lost. The articles are a collaborative search for answers. They are a search for Pat.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pat's Garden

Lavender Franz Schubert Phlox

Monarchs on the Gay Feather

A friend once told me that butterflies are spirits. If so, maybe Pat has come home.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Pat's Winner

Bob, Caed with parents TJ and Tiffany, and Lisette

The new winner of Pat's Award says so much about Pat. He's kind and loyal. He works incredibly hard, but he doesn't forget what's important. Caed Jones graduated from Pomfret Community School in June, and Bob and I were there to present him with a silver bowl and the honor of academic achievement. Beyond merit, Caed was chosen for his outstanding character, which earned him the respect of his classmates and Pomfret School where he will attend in the fall. He represents the best of Pat's life: goodness beyond greatness. It was our honor to recognize him.